
Approval of Lab-Grown Meat: A Shift Toward a More Sustainable Food System?

Jun 26, 2023

In a groundbreaking move, the United States has approved the sale of lab-grown meat, marking a significant milestone in the field of food technology. This decision represents a paradigm shift in how we think about and produce meat, offering a potential solution to conventional animal agriculture’s environmental, ethical, and sustainability challenges. The approval opens up new possibilities for the future of our food system and paves the way for a more sustainable and compassionate approach to meat consumption.


The Approval of Lab-Grown Meat


The US regulatory authorities have granted regulatory approval to a lab-grown meat product, signaling a landmark moment in developing alternative protein sources. This lab-grown meat, also known as cultured or cell-based meat, is produced by cultivating animal cells in a controlled laboratory environment, eliminating the need for traditional animal farming. The cells are grown into muscle tissue, which can then be harvested and processed into various meat products.


The Potential Benefits: The approval of lab-grown meat holds significant potential for several key areas:


  • Environmental Sustainability: Conventional animal agriculture significantly contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water pollution. Lab-grown meat has the potential to reduce the environmental impact associated with traditional livestock farming significantly. It requires fewer resources, such as land, water, and feed, and produces considerably fewer greenhouse gas emissions, thereby mitigating the ecological footprint of meat production.
  • Ethical Considerations: One of the most compelling aspects of lab-grown meat is its potential to address ethical concerns related to animal welfare. Traditional meat production involves raising and slaughtering animals, often in conditions that raise concerns about animal cruelty. Lab-grown meat offers a cruelty-free alternative, as it does not require the slaughter of animals, reducing the suffering and ethical dilemmas associated with meat consumption.


  • Food Security: With the global population projected to reach nearly 10 billion by 2050, increasing concerns about meeting the rising demand for food sustainability exist. Lab-grown meat has the potential to provide a more efficient and scalable method of meat production, offering a solution to food security challenges. By reducing the reliance on traditional livestock farming, lab-grown meat can help ensure a more secure and stable food supply.

Challenges and Future Prospects

While the approval of lab-grown meat is a significant achievement, there are several challenges that must be addressed for widespread adoption and commercial viability. These challenges include scaling up production, reducing costs, ensuring product safety, and gaining consumer acceptance. However, these challenges can be overcome with ongoing technological advancements and continued research and development.

Looking ahead, the approval of lab-grown meat sets the stage for a transformative shift in our food system. It encourages further innovation and investment in cellular agriculture, with the potential to revolutionize how we produce and consume meat. As technology matures, lab-grown meat is expected to become more accessible, affordable, and integrated into the mainstream food market, offering consumers a sustainable and ethical choice without compromising taste or nutritional value.


The approval of lab-grown meat for sale in the United States marks a meaningful step forward in developing alternative protein sources. It represents a shift toward a more sustainable, ethical, and resilient food system. Lab-grown meat has the potential to mitigate environmental impact, address ethical concerns, and contribute to global food security. While there are challenges to overcome, the future looks promising for this innovative technology. As consumers, policymakers, and industry stakeholders continue to embrace this revolutionary concept, we can anticipate a future where lab-grown meat plays a significant role in shaping a more sustainable and compassionate world.



Restaurant Sustainability in 2022

Jul 26, 2022

The restaurant industry experienced a metamorphosis during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some restaurants closed, while others amended their policies and adapted their business plans to remain open during the epic shift. Almost all restaurants went through some change. Many began incorporating delivery and curbside services, using new types of packaging, or limiting menu options, and these changes were needed for economic survival during a critical time. These changes continue to be examined and expanded in 2022. Now, however, the focus is on sustainability.


When the health of the entire world came into question, food sustainability and practices became the top priority. More than ever, consumers wanted to know they would be able to eat. Our planet and its resources became something to focus our attention on. Knowledge of food availability and preparation increased with public awareness of how food is grown, prepared, packaged, and delivered. In addition, people not only wanted food, but they wanted good food. They wanted healthful options. They wanted food to be locally sourced, organic, and eco-friendly. Restaurant operations became everyone’s business.


We have learned that viable sustainability in restaurant operations can sometimes involve accepting limitations. For example, locally sourced foods may not be available year-round. Relae, a restaurant in Copenhagen, Denmark, recognized twice as the most sustainable restaurant in the world, works with available resources through its market gardening plan. Chefs here plant, grow, harvest, and prepare dishes from seasonal vegetables cultivated from the crops grown at their restaurant. They have a relationship with the food they plant and then, prepare with minimal waste. This conscientious hands-on approach is part of their “Farm to Table” marketing. Patrons understand the menu is dependent on the season. This temporary lack of certain vegetables creates value. The food is more appreciated because it is not all constantly available.


grow food


Mixt Greens is an American eco-gourmet restaurant in San Francisco and Los Angeles. Although their food is typical, their business practices are not. They focus on using sustainable practices such as energy-efficient equipment, biodegradable materials, and composting 99% of their food waste. They source their ingredients from local farms supporting organic produce and use recycled paint to decorate their stores. For this restaurant, sustainability means guarding a philosophy of giving back.


When a restaurant can become a zero-waste establishment, they are at the sustainability pinnacle. To qualify as a zero-waste restaurant, 90% or more of waste must not be put in the trash. If a restaurant can control food waste and inventory at this level, it protects profit margins and ecological harm. American restaurants practicing zero waste include Rhodora Wine Bar in Brooklyn, NY, which maintains an onsite composter. Harbor House Inn in Santa Barbara, CA, also composts. In addition, they write their menu daily depending on the availability of local produce and tide pool harvest. Osteria Mozza in Los Angeles, CA, is known for efficient water usage, energy-efficient appliances, and working with Foodprint Group, a certified advisor for zero-waste. Lionfish in San Diego, CA, is a forerunner for producing minimal disposable waste and using eco-friendly supplies. They also vary the seafood selections they serve to reduce the impact on overfished species.




Sustainability benefits everyone. When restaurant owners, workers, and patrons present a united front, we have a “win.” The future generation learns. They value the process and are prepared to step in when it is their turn to guard Earth’s water, land, and air resources. Reducing waste, pollution, and carbon emissions will move to the forefront of their minds and become second nature. Sustainability will become part of everyday life for our current and future generations.


Menu Trends to Anticipate for Spring 2022

Mar 03, 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted many aspects of the restaurant industry—and continues to do so.

According to the National Restaurant Association’s yearly survey, we expect to see healthier trends and choices in 2022. This survey tests the waters for food and beverage trends by surveying over 650 professional chefs.

The good news is that the growing focus seems to be on better quality ingredients, a smaller carbon footprint, and delicious CBD experiments.

CBD-Infused Food and Drinks

Almost 80 percent of chefs have recognized CBD-infused menu items as part of the demand for healthier food products. Infusing foods and drinks with CBD ingredients opens a new food niche to explore and experiment with.

As restaurant owners around the United States update and expand their menu options, many are interested in the CBD market, which could be worth exploring.

Consider creating delicious cocktails or smoothies with a bit of CBD oil for a novel twist!


Plant-Based Food and Proteins

One of the biggest trends we’ve seen due to the pandemic is a focus on healthier food options: especially plant-based sandwiches and menu options. We will be seeing a growing trend as menus grow to accommodate meatless proteins.

For example, McDonald’s released a small trial run, the McDonald’s McPlant burger, which became incredibly popular and continues to grow every day. Participating stores have sold 70 plant burgers every day, far exceeding expectations.

As demand for plant-based food continues to grow rapidly in 2022, we can look forward to innovative and delicious developments, including cheese and fish alternatives. One new and fun alternative is potato milk–a healthy and yummy dairy substitute.



As supply chain issues and sustainability concerns become more visible, restaurants should explore ways to make environmental changes. From plastic alternatives to zero-waste options, the theme for 2022 seems to center on thoughtfulness and reuse.

The flexitarian movement—which focuses on plant-based diets for those who haven’t entirely given up on meat but are curious about exploring vegan options—has grown strong since 2020. Restaurant owners are starting to focus on more locally-sourced, high-quality ingredients to reduce their carbon footprint.

We may see menus transform as we focus on healthier and more eco-friendly menu options and sustainability. We can lookout for more streamlined and refined menus that focus on higher-quality ingredients for even simple offerings like French fries or chips.

2022 is shaping up to be an exciting year for restaurants. We will start seeing locally grown fresh produce, housemade syrups and items, and more vegan-centric cuisine.

If you’re looking for a menu refresh, or even a complete overhaul, look to Synergy! With 35 years of service for both independent restaurants and chain foodservice operations, Synergy Restaurant Consultants is here to help your restaurant achieve optimal efficiency in this competitive market.


January 2015 Newsletter

Jan 27, 2015



Happy 2015! The new year brings more opportunities, and more challenges (for instance, this news that while customers are dining out more frequently, their spend per occasion is falling).

But let’s focus on the opportunities. With the coming of age of the Millennial generation, the restaurant industry has the opportunity to serve a guest who is well-educated and adventurous about food, but looking for a fun, casual and social experience—and that’s just the kind of restaurant we’re seeing more of these days.

We also have delicious ingredients and flavors that are both higher in quality and more readily available, thanks to wider distribution of everything from imported cheeses to locally raised produce.

So cheers to us all and good luck in the coming year. And in the meantime, read our predictions for what will be happening in food and beverages in 2015, and do not fail to read our associate Brad Miller’s analysis of the eight things we tell ourselves about our operations that may not be true.

Food Trends 2015

By Joan Lang, Editorial Director

Every year the National Restaurant Association releases its annual “What’s Hot” culinary forecast, prepared in conjunction with the American Culinary Federation. For 2015, many of the same trends we’ve been seeing for the past several years continue to occupy the thoughts of the country’s chefs and operators, including local and sustainable sourcing, and healthy menu options. Along with customization, these are the game changers, the overarching themes that have impacted the industry in a variety of sweeping ways. Within these new “givens,” however, there’s still lots to talk about:

Clean and Simple Food

Sure, there’s sous vide and nitrogen-spiked ice cream, but many chefs and operators are turning the twin mega-trends of local sourcing and consumer demand for healthier option into menus that emphasize clean ingredients and simple preparation techniques. According to a recent SmartBrief poll, in fact, 79% of respondents revealed that they were focusing on pared-down menus or ingredients lists to offer “clean and simple food,” a development that also makes operational sense. It also means more housemade ingredients and fewer processed foods.

All-Inclusive Menus

Customers have so many dietary requests nowadays, between food allergies, health concerns, lifestyle issues, religious restrictions, and plain-old taste preferences. For many operators, the key to maximizing sales and keeping guests happy is to provide as many options as possible, including gluten-free items, vegan/vegetarian choices, alt-products like soy and nut milk, and selections that satisfy both waist-watchers and comfort-food seekers. Case in point: Denver-based Modmarket Farm Fresh Eateries, where the typical menu is filled with tempting offerings that run the gamut from a Chipotle Steak Sandwich to a gluten-free Wintergreen Salad to a vegan Sesame Tofu Plate.

Food with a Story

Farm-to-table, Fair Trade, artisanal, hand-crafted. From coffee and lettuce to burgers and desserts, customers—especially Millennials—respond to ingredients, house specialties and even entire menu concepts that have a backstory and a sense of place. Calling out the where and when of food speaks to its authenticity and quality, promising better value and an enhanced experience. Though “organic” and “imported” still have their value, here are the stories that really count now:

• Fresh
• Seasonal
• Specific farms or producers
• Housemade
• Local
• Natural
• Sustainable

Superior Sandwiches

The sandwich segment continues to evolve in a signature direction, as evidenced by operations as diverse as Yum Brands’ Banh Shop, with its mainstream versions of Vietnamese sandwiches and other “Saigon street food,” to the Pastrami Project smoked-meat specialties of Blue Cow Kitchen & Bar in Los Angeles (from the team behind Mendocino Farms Sandwiches & Marketplace). It all adds up to higher quality fillings—many of them sustainably sourced—artisan breads, housemade condiments, and a general approach whose cheffy innovations rival the care and planning that go into traditional entrees.

Bar Creep

As fine dining has become more accessible and upscale chefs move into more casual dining models, the lines between bar and restaurant are blurring. Many restaurants have expanded their bar business with profitable specialty cocktail programs, and added food at a more affordable price point courtesy of sophisticated bar bites and small plates. There is even a whole new category of gastropub-influenced eatery serving “brew food” to support the growing thirst for craft beer. For example there is Alden & Harlow, in Cambridge, MA. Is it a bar serving ambitious food, or a restaurant with a robust bar scene? The guests who pack the place every night certainly don’t care, as they wash down their Chicken Fried Rabbit and Grilled Cauliflower small plates with $12 cocktails.

Meat on the Side

The idea that anyone would eat a 16-ounce portion of meat has always been unique to the Western World—unlike cultures like Vietnam, Mexico and Italy where protein is to used almost as a garnish to flavor rice, beans, pasta, vegetables and other plant-based ingredients. But now, driven by chef creativity and consumer interest, menus are shifting the focus onto produce. It’s not a matter of being vegetarian, but rather an acknowledgement that all the wonderful farm-raised fruits and vegetables that are now available can be utilized in more ways than just an obligatory broccoli side dish. In addition to being more seasonal and creatively inspiring, a diet that’s heavy on the fruits and vegetables is more environmentally sustainable and perhaps even healthier. And the fact that produce tends to be lower in cost than protein is great news in a time of rapidly rising food costs.

Sustaining Social Consciousness

From sustainable design to respectful sourcing to community involvement, it’s hip—and good for your brand—to be socially conscious in the restaurant industry. Consumers want it, and so do many idealistic operators. In fact, according to Yankelovich, nearly two-thirds of today’s consumers think they can “make a difference” by doing business with more socially responsible companies, in numerous ways that range from supporting employee quality of life to serving hormone-free meat and encouraging recycling and other green practices. And while sustainability may be a somewhat amorphous state, companies like LYFE Kitchen and Sweetgreen have built their empires on it.

In the Raw

From oysters on the half-shell to steak tartare, some of today’s hottest menu items are no-cooking-required. America’s resurgent oyster industry is feeding a wave of new oyster bars with dozens of different varieties of this trendy bivalve, each displaying its own unique flavor and texture—often referred to by the wine-borrowing term merrier, or characteristics of its place. And where there are oysters there is also drink, which is also part of the reason so many generalist restaurants are adding oysters to the menu mix. In addition, there are lots of other raw specialties around, including tartare and crudo, cross-cultural sushi, ceviche, and the Peruvian raw-fish delicacy known as tiradito.

Artisanal Everything

From European-style bread to farmstead cheese to small-batch pickles to handcrafted cocktails, it’s “artisanal” and “handmade” quality that sells menu items in today’s superheated competitive marketplace—and supports premium pricing. It seems that there isn’t a single category of food or beverage that hasn’t been upgraded and either brought in-house or sourced from artisanal purveyors. From of the latest foods to fall under the spell is toast—how else do you explain the success of The Mill, in San Francisco, which has a Toast menu and sells literally hundreds of orders a day? Like the new wave of ultra-premium artisanal coffee, $4 to $6 buys a relatively affordable indulgence, whatever the economy.

Let’s Do Breakfast (and Brunch)

And so it is with the morning meal, which resurged to popularity in the dark days of the Great Recession, and still allows guests the pleasure of a meal out, without emptying out the wallet. And true to form, that means a better class of eggs, bacon and pancakes, showing an innovative, high-quality approach to the daypart. For operators, breakfast and brunch represent a robust source of business that’s less expensive to produce than dinner, and represent an opportunity to leverage existing facilities, staff and inventory. Small wonder that, according to NPD, sales of breakfast grew for the fourth consecutive year.

Beverage Trends 2015

By Joan Lang, Editorial Director


It’s a great time to be selling beverages. That’s because, in addition to be being one of the most profitable categories in foodservice, wine, beer and cocktails also represent one of the most interesting. And today’s hip, highly educated customer base is thirsty to try them all.

Many of the same trends that are driving food are also impacting beverages, including local sourcing, seasonal menuing, flavor-layering, and artisanal/small-batch/handmade ingredients. These and other trends are expected to help push alcohol sales higher in the coming year, including in the fast-casual sector, where fountain soda beverages once ruled.

As in everything in restaurants, savvy beverage programs are all about setting yourself apart.

The Craft Beer Explosion

Which came first, beer-friendly food or great new beers to pair it with? The brewpub and beer-menu trend is developing in lockstep with the explosion in high-quality, highly marketable craft beers.

• Beer styles from around the world, from Belgian saisons to San Francisco-style steam beers

• Flavorful new lower-alcohol “session beers” are offering up a high-quality but more approachable alternative to buzzy extreme brews

• The return of the can, as new technology spurs a lower-cost, retro-chic trend to canned beer

• As with food (think sauerkraut and pickles), refreshing sour beer styles are becoming more popular

Wine for the Times

After the wine-bar craze of the early aughts it might be tempting to think there’s not much happening in the category right now, but think again. The Millennial generation is helping wine sales grow right along with beer and spirits; in fact, nearly one-quarter of high-frequency wine drinkers are in that demographic. And that’s really changing the wine market, making it less pretentious and much more fun. Hello screw-tops!

Prosecco, cava and other bubblies are offering an affordable but festive alternative to Champagne

Wine lists and wine service in general are under the sway of a new generation of sommeliers determined to make wine less intimidating

• The growing availability of New World wines and bottlings from less familiar varietals and regions is providing less expensive and more interesting options—Romanian wine, anyone?

Sustainable, biodynamic and organic wines are also becoming more widely available

• Easy-drinking, affordable wines on tap—cooler than box wines but just as budget-friendly

Spirited Trends

The craft cocktail movement has become ubiquitous in just a few short years, as chains as diverse as Blaze Pizza, Applebee’s, Earl’s Kitchen + Bar, and even Denny’s implement upscale cocktail programs.

• House Infusions and Flavored Spirits: Because it’s all about the flavor, always

• Small Batch and Artisanal Specialties: Craft distilleries have sprung up all over the country and the world, producing everything from rum to gin to rye…. And they’re finding their way into bars of all kinds

• Classics Come Back—Again: What’s old is always new again in the world of mixology, as bartenders continue their search for inspiration. Martinis and Manhattans are being joined by pre-Prohibition specialties like the Aviation, post-Prohibition drinks with a backstory (think Hemingway Daiquiri), and New Wave classics; there’s even a little resurgence in sweet, colorful disco-era drinks

• The Bitter and the Sour of It: Seeking the same sort of balance that chefs strive for in food, bartenders are amassing an array of artisanal and housemade bitters, along with sour elements like vinegar (as in shrubs) and citrus

Punches and Other Large Formats: In today’s sharing culture, it makes sense that oversize shareable cocktails and “punch for the table” would garner news. Some are inspired by Colonial-era quaffs like Philadelphia Fish House Punch

How Low Can You Go

Not everyone wants the alcoholic wallop of a double Martini. Cocktails and spirits that are lower in alcohol allow for a second round and can be more pleasant to drink, especially with food.

• Sherry and Sherry-based cocktails: Particularly where Spanish-style tapas reign, sherry and other fortified wine styles encourage multiple orders

• Drinks based on wine or beer: Beyond the Michelada and Sangria (neither of which lack for popularity, by the way), there’s a realm of traditional and bartender-driven wine and beer cocktails

• Vermouth and Amari: These complex and generally low-alcohol specialties, from once-obscure vermouths to bitter Campari and Fernet, are grabbing attention, alone and crafted into cocktails

• Hard Cider: The original all-American libation is experiencing a renaissance on par with craft beer’s, thanks to its low ABV and food-friendly personality

Bottled, Barrel-aged and Cocktails on Tap: Yes, they’re trendy, but premade cocktails are obviously the bomb when it comes to ease of service

Operational Mistakes—and the Lies We Tell Ourselves About Them

By Brad “Paco” Miller, Operations Associate

Brad Miller brings more than 20 years of experience in the hospitality sector to Synergy. He holds keen expertise in operations, finance, bar and mixology programs, menu revitalization, and FOH efficiencies in both full-service and fast-casual concepts.


Many operators like to believe that past successes (or failures) make them immune to mistakes. Mistakes are natural, but recovering and learning from them is crucial. Through many years of listening to restaurateurs, these are the operational “fibs” I hear most often:

1. “Higher sales will take care of my problems.”

You don’t understand your costs: If your food cost is 35% with low sales, it will most likely be 35% with higher sales. Higher sales volume will bring you more cash flow, but unless you create a plan to lower your prime cost (cost of goods, labor and paper), your profits will never grow as fast as you’d like. Remember: If you want to increase your profit margin from 5% to 10%, it can be easier to lower costs by 5% than to double sales (and achieve the same result!).

2. “This drop in customer counts is temporary…this always happens this time of year.”

You’re not reacting to the market: Restaurants can be very cyclical in nature, but unless you have a strong marketing plan with specific tactics, you will always feel that seasonal drop. January may be the best time to introduce a new LTO or hit the social media marketing hard. This also might be a good time to get a couple steps ahead of your competition by offering items that are in front of the latest trends.

3. “I’ll just settle this employment lawsuit and be done with it.”

You don’t have an updated HR plan: You must ask yourself, “Why were we sued in the first place?”, then update your policy handbooks and train your staff. Do your managers have the training they need to avoid problems in the future? Does your restaurant have the right tools (operations manuals, HR handbooks, training manuals) to prevent future actions? If not, history will probably repeat itself.

4. “Raising menu prices will offset our higher supplier costs.”

You don’t have updated recipe and plate costs, and restaurant operations that don’t are “working in the dark.” Knowing your overall food cost is one thing, but accurate plate and recipe costing is integral to any success strategy. Maybe you only have to adjust some portion sizes or change an ingredient to keep your plate cost in line.

5. “Yelp is not that big of a deal.”

You don’t react to negative feedback: Yelp is a really big deal, and you may not like it but it’s here to stay. Don’t let one squeaky wheel affect the rating that you’ve been working on for five years. There are some creative ways to get ahead of bad reviews and win back those upset guests. And never, ever try to cheat the system. Those crafty Yelp programmers have written algorithms to prevent you and your friends from artificially boosting your rating!

6. “I think our operation is efficient.”

It may be time to update procedures (or create standard operating procedures): Standard operating procedures are about consistency and efficiency. Does your kitchen utilize prep charts, pull charts, inventories and line charts? Do your servers follow a sequence of service…every time? Do your managers follow opening and closing procedures? If not, it’s time to update and start saving some labor hours.

7. “Our food is good.”

You have fallen behind the trends: If your food is “good,” you’re in trouble. Your food should be “amazing”—and your service “remarkable.” If you can’t safely say that you serve, hands-down, the best product in town, you’re not competing in this very aggressive landscape. It is time to change. Take a close look at your flavors and plate presentations. Challenge your staff to come up with the next big idea for your menu. Engage your guests for feedback and include them in the process.

8. “I know exactly who my customers are.”

You are not collecting the right information about your guests: It’s not only feedback that keeps us informed about what we are doing right and wrong, it’s collecting data about who your guests are. Data is valuable information. Are you collecting emails, Facebook likes, Twitter information, Pinterest followers? Do you know what your regulars order? Are you utilizing the data from your POS system to track item sales and trends?

Tip of the Month

Want to read more about trends? Check out these prognostications from:

Smart Brief (Parts I and II)
Nation’s Restaurant News (and here)
Fast Casual
Grub Hub
Restaurant Hospitality (and here)
Huffington Post (and here)
Sterling Rice Group
Flavor and the Menu
The NPD Group
Datassential Menu Trends

And for another look at where the industry is heading, read about these top restaurant openings courtesy of Food Republic