
Reducing Waste this Holiday Season is the Gift That Keeps Giving

Oct 27, 2021

By Natasha Reta Culinary Consultant

Reducing waste should be at the forefront of our minds as we see limited stock and the shelves far from being replenished, not to mention the increased commodities costs.  This holiday might find us without the usual luxuries we once expected this time of year.  But fear not, you can still enjoy the holidays while sparing your pocket.  Below are some of our favorite “waste-reducing” recipes that not only increase your savings but enhance your holidays.

Pickle Everything

Pickling has always been a great process of preservation of vegetables, but we’ve stepped that up a notch and have taken to pickling fruits, roots, and rinds. So grab some extra jars and make a large batch of pickle brine and save that produce and you’re prepared for a last-minute cocktail party!  Dress your next holiday crudités plate with pickled fennel and apple chips, or garnish those Bloody Marys with pickled asparagus and beets.



Hold onto your Pits!

It’s stone fruit season, so keep those pits! Stone fruit pits make great infusions and impart a delightful flavor when used. Try this easy pit recipe to enhance your holiday meals.


Stone Fruit Glaze Recipe

6 pounds (stone fruit pits)

1 cup red wine

1 cup sugar

3g tarragon or basil


Preparation Instructions:

  1. Place all ingredients except herbs into a saucepan over medium heat and bring to a simmer.
  2. Simmer for 10 minutes and remove from heat.
  3. Add herbs if desired and allow to cool.
  4. Strain and save in refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.
  5. Use as a glaze or reduction on meats and veggies.


glaze recipe

Got Grease?

Save all that bacon grease from your brunch buffet. You can store that fat in a jar in the refrigerator for up to a month. Use it when needed for that delightfully fat and smoky addition. Try it in vinaigrettes, biscuits, and even in caramel. Make this bacon aioli and slather it all over your turkey sandwiches.


Baconnaise Recipe

2 egg yolks

3 tsp lemon juice

1 cup bacon fat (melted but not hot)

1 tsp Dijon mustard


Preparation Instructions:

  1. Place the yolks in a small food processor with 1 tsp lemon juice and mix well until combined.
  2. Turn the food processor to low and slowly drizzle the bacon fat into the yolk mixture, drop by drop to start. DO NOT ADD TOO FAST; this will break the emulsification and cause the mayo to separate.
  3. Add mustard and the rest of the lemon juice once all the bacon fat has been added.
  4. Store in refrigerator for up to 1 week.


Need fresh ideas to develop creative and on-trend recipes while reducing waste by reusing normally discarded items? Our team of culinary experts are here to help! Contact Synergy today!