Wet Floors in Restaurants: How Wet is Too Wet?
According to a major insurance carrier 65% of all lost employee work days are due to slip-and-fall injuries. Of injuries our guests sustain, those who fall, sometimes on a liquid spill no larger than the size of a coin, account for 57% of liability claims.
- Insist on every employee, including managers, wearing approved safety shoes such as “Shoes for Crews”
- Train employees to clean up all spills immediately.
- Pay attention to areas around entry/exit doors, bus stations, salad bars, self-service beverage towers and refuse containers.
- If someone falls, make an immediate record of all details to provide to your insurance carrier.
- When building or remodeling, consider slip-resistant surfaces.
- See your trouble spots by mapping date, time and location of every slip-and-fall.
- Use slip-and-fall prevention, and other safety topics, as part of your shift “cast calls.”
- Inspect what you expect.