Whenever we explore restaurants, we are fond of finding those who know how to be efficient. This includes many areas such as front of house and back of house operations, guest service and being green.We love restaurants that employ waste-reducing strategies because not only does it help the earth by reducing your carbon footprint, it also increases profits by spending less. What areas of your restaurant can you find easy savings? Let’s take a look at napkins. Like utensils, there is no escaping the fact that this is a mandatory item in every restaurant. But unlike disposable forks, spoons and knives, many consumers take many more napkins than they really need. One way to control this is by choosing an efficient napkin dispenser.We all know what the typical napkin dispenser looks like and certainly understand how easy it is to pull out a massive amount of paper due to the large opening. The standard napkin dispenser design is simply prone to waste. But take a look at this wonderful product, the TorkXpressnap® - it’s “green” in that it only dispenses one napkin at a time, every time. It holds up to 900 SCA hygienic tissues and guarantees a 25 percent reduction in napkin usage. It also comes in space saving designs an ability to add custom print on it as well. Now there’s an easy way to save!