While 2009-2010 shows that spirits barely came out on top as a favorite alcoholic beverage over beer, it is very clear that domestic beer is a favorite among drinkers. A recent study conducted by Mintel shows that 33% of drinkers are drinking less imported beers and more domestic crafts.Interestingly a large percentage of drinkers, 59%, state they would like to try more craft and microwbrew beers if they were more knowledgeable in them. Through these findings, it is quite clear that educating consumers can assist the growth in craft and microbrew market. Garmina Goel Lal, Mintel senior analyst, says that craft beer has grown in popularity over the past 5 years and is popular amongst 25 - 34 year olds.Price seems to be another reason why some people shy away from craft beers -- basically, they are simply more expensive. All hope is not lost, however, as the craft beer market still shows signs of resiliency in this recession. The number of beer drinkers who drink less has been decreasing since 2009.