Who would have thought that heaven existed between two slices of bread? If you're like us, then you might have a small obsession with sandwiches. Whether a panini, burger, or roll, we love them all. Of course, a great sandwich takes considerable thought and finesse in ingredient selection and execution.Restaurant Hospitality, a formidable source for providing hospitality trends and happenings, had recently announced the winners of the Best Sandwiches in America Contest, and we couldn't have been more thrilled to see the results. The finalists are broken down into 18 categories - grilled cheese, barbecue, breakfast, vegetarian, hot dog/sausage, seafood salad, burger, etc. and consisted of some interesting creations! Category finalists included an inverted grilled cheese, a three-pork sandwich, a Cajun grouper sandwich, a breakfast-styled banh mi and a Southern fried Jidori chicken sandwich .Want to check out who else made the cut? Read more and get inspired here: http://restaurant-hospitality.com/food-trends/best-sandwiches-america-meet-2014-winners