
Why is Restaurant Management Training Important?

Dec 16, 2020

In her 2018 bestseller Dare To Lead, Brene Brown writes: “I define a leader as anyone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes, and who has the courage to develop that potential.” When it comes to developing potential, all restaurant owners and operators can invest time in their managers and staff through a comprehensive training program.

Investment Upfront Can Save Money in the Long Run

Darden, the parent company of Olive Garden, spends 40 million a year on training new employees. This training entails 40-80 hours of hands-on and video instruction. As employees rise through the ranks and become promoted to General Managers, they must work through a 10-12 week management training program. It may seem excessive, but consider the costs of replacing a General Manager, which they place at around $14,000 when factoring in separation and rehiring costs. The average General Manager at a Darden restaurant stays for about 13 years, which shows that time and money invested upfront pays off in the end.

Developing Trust

A shocking study out of Harvard Business Review revealed that more people would put their trust in strangers before trusting their boss. This shows that the root of the problem in many workplaces surrounds relationships and trust. By investing time and energy to build smart, empathetic leaders, restaurants can turn a distrustful climate into one of complete faith.

Preventing HR Issues

According to the Enterprise Center at Salem State University, one of the top ways to avoid HR issues down the line is through proper onboarding at every level. This can give employees time to adapt to company culture, receive the most up-to-date compliance training, and be a part of a  mentorship program. Companies with no training or inadequate training often end up with more HR issues later on.


Restaurant training courses
Restaurant training is vital to your operation’s success


Positive Company Culture

Starbucks tops multiple Forbes lists as a positive place to work. It was even ranked 94th in the top places to work in the US last year. Their training programs, including retail management training programs for Assistant Managers and above, are thorough and extensive. Furthermore, the culture created through this training is one of equality, friendliness, and warmth. Employees are referred to as partners, and managers are taught to ask those under them to “do them a favor” rather than barking orders. When Starbucks’ positive culture was publicly questioned after a racially charged incident in Philadelphia in 2018, Starbucks took a brave step forward. It closed all stores for one afternoon for mandatory racial bias training for all employees. This move was monumental in Starbucks’ ability to remain a company that leads by example, emphasizing that education, not only for managers but for all employees, was an ongoing process that sometimes requires a course correction.


Managers Today, Company Leaders Tomorrow?

Middle class ($45-75K a year) jobs in the restaurant industry grew by 84% from 2010 to 2018. Entry-level workers see the service industry as a place where they can work their way up the ranks and succeed, first as a manager and possibly even as an owner. Nine out of 10 restaurant managers and eight out of 10 restaurant owners began in entry-level positions. This shows that with the right training and mentorship, the restaurant industry is a field where workers can realize their potential and thrive.


As you can see, there is a real reason to implement a strong management training platform at your restaurant. We know it’s not always easy to find the time and the specific knowledge needed to roll out methodical, effective training. That’s why we created Synergy Sync – a restaurant management training platform you can use for your entire team. Your staff can train anywhere, at any time. Synergy Sync is your one-stop eLearning management, checklist accountability, and process management system built by restaurant leaders for restaurant leaders. To learn more about Synergy Sync, please contact us at 888-861-9212.