
Is Poor Staff Management Costing your Restaurant?

Apr 26, 2013

No, it’s not just the taste of your restaurant’s food that determines the success of your restaurant. Poor staff management can be the element that’s costing your foodservice operation every single day.

Some very common problems with restaurant managers are:

  • Poor communication skills: How managers choose to voice concerns or change behavior is very important. Yelling at the staff and making them feel incompetent is not the right way to handle poor performance. How does your manager the handle customer complaints?
    Does your restaurant manager communicate effectively?


  • Lack of rule enforcement: Is your restaurant manager properly enforcing rules and regulations? Does he/she ensure that food quality and health standards are enforced inside and out of the kitchen on a consistent basis? Food quality and safety should always be the priority at any restaurant.
  • Bad planning: How well does your restaurant manager plan? Does he/she ensure timely ordering of food and supplies? Does he regularly schedule maintenance of restaurant equipment? These are critical timelines for smooth operations.
  • Unsafe working conditions: Does your restaurant manager ensure a safe working environment for staff members? Is he/she knowledgeable of best safety practices to help protect both consumers and workers as well as reduce lawsuits deriving from accidents on site? Employee safety is a key part of morale.
  • Organizational structure: Is your restaurant manager consistently and adequately keeping a log of all restaurant activities? Does he/she efficiently schedule staff work schedules to ensure there is no lack of manpower? Does he/she have a “Plan B” if there are unforeseen issues at the restaurant?

The best way to avoid these issues is hiring and training the right people to staff your restaurant.


At Synergy Restaurant Consultants, our restaurant recruiting services provide restaurants an easier way to weed out potential problem applicants and only hire those with the best qualities for the job. As you can see from the above examples, your restaurant can only be as good as those staffed to run it everyday. To learn more about our restaurant recruiting services, contact Synergy today.